HOLA dear readers,
It has been a couple of weeks since that last “weird post” and now the time has come for NOVIEMBRE.
(A recommendable film; sorry I could not find a trailer with English subtitles!)
‘Scorpio’ captures this month with its claws, applying to it a paralyzing sting with its tail; meaning that your ‘writer’ will (hopefully) soon be adding a year of life to ‘her journey’.
Happy birthday also to all the scorpio readers out there (I just took a look at the astrology thing and apparently we are “the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac”, the “black sheep” as some might say; which explains many things and it is actually pretty nice).
So, we keep on getting “older”, scorpio style!
This past weekend part of the “Seville team” from my Fontys minor abroad in Spain was reunited in, and ‘colognized’, by the city of ‘Köln’.
Switching the scenario from a sunny, sandy, windy beach to a rather ‘greyny’ (grey and rainy!), coldish concrete jungle; we did not get the opportunity to climb dunes and have an “extreme beach slapping sleeping”, but it was nice seeing each other again!
This is how the beach slapping sleeping looks like in case you were wondering.
A bed is much more better, yes…
While on the short stay in Cologne a funny ad happened to be on our way while walking through the city…
…and because, to be honest, I had not much of an idea of what to write about in today’s post, I decided to take the funny butt cheeks ad as a sign to ‘hunt’ for clever international ads and share them with you.
Due to the fact that this reunion made me realize how much I had been missing “French observations” on certain (or many) things [this time it was no longer the “loudness in Spanish restaurants”, but that “the cathedral was dirty” (referring to the exterior of Cologne’s cathedral) and that “the wine tasted like vinegar”…something about “German toilets”!], I will start with a French funny ad to honor the laughter I had while witnessing these remarks from my friend.
From France travelling east to Jakarta in Indonesia, to get rid of the fleas.
From Indonesia to “Save a life. Put out your cigarette” in Brazil.
From Brazil to Canada.
Leaving Canada to, somewhere where razors are unusually gigantic and very sharp…
Crossing the border to the United States.
Going all the way back to Europe in Germany… Driving a smart?
Somehow ending up in Shanghai, with a very original way of advertising pans!
ADdiction equals over! Hope you liked them.
‘till next time
Your writer,
P.S: And please… remember to recycle ;)
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