Due to the fact that this semester (last semester) at Fontys is nearly over, with just a few more weeks to go, I have been thinking that it is about time I let you know what Follow mE’s next destination will be!
As you might know
(or not know) during the second semester of your 4th year of
studies at Fontys you are required to do an internship in a company/organization
of your choice (in whatever location of Planet Earth you prefer), where your
graduation project will take place. Pretty similar to the work placement you are to do during the 3rd year (the previous one that took place in India in Follow mE's case).
This time we do not depart to the “mysterious land of the tiger”, but we do head to the “out of the ordinary land of the jaguar”; my land of the mayas! Follow Me heads back to “your writer’s” country. We go back home to Guatemala.
This time we do not depart to the “mysterious land of the tiger”, but we do head to the “out of the ordinary land of the jaguar”; my land of the mayas! Follow Me heads back to “your writer’s” country. We go back home to Guatemala.
…when finding out
about this, a friend of mine send me the following link:
…and then asked: “Why
the hell do you want to go back there!?”
Guatemala was very far away from the internship plan, but “your
writer’s” leg has to be fixed after almost a year of being out of service,
because of dealing with a muscle strain and tendon problems in the adductors.
After many sessions of physiotherapy “your writer/rider” came back to The Netherlands this semester and attempted to start riding once more… It was a happy day of getting back in the saddle and saying “hi” again to old familiar faces:
After many sessions of physiotherapy “your writer/rider” came back to The Netherlands this semester and attempted to start riding once more… It was a happy day of getting back in the saddle and saying “hi” again to old familiar faces:
…but the next day
not only the leg, but both legs, were out of service… again.
Therefore, we go back to fix this because “your writer” wants to ride! Interesting plans are coming up.
And yes.
Guatemala is not the world’s most peaceful place (though I did not expect it to
be ranked as the second most dangerous place on Earth along with our two next
door neighbours, El Salvador and Honduras… at the same time this does not come as a surprise); but it is home and once you
are back it is (unfortunately) easy to get used to the whole situation.
Apart from this my little Guatemala also has its good things and I will make it my mission to be a good host and show these positive things to you… This, of course only if we survive (haha!)! No worries, no worries.
Apart from this my little Guatemala also has its good things and I will make it my mission to be a good host and show these positive things to you… This, of course only if we survive (haha!)! No worries, no worries.
So with this news I have prepared something different for you dear readers:
I have heard that music is one of the best ways of beginning to get acquainted with a culture. SO… to start making you feel in more of a Latin American mood I have prepared a tour for you!
I have heard that music is one of the best ways of beginning to get acquainted with a culture. SO… to start making you feel in more of a Latin American mood I have prepared a tour for you!
It is a tour like
no other. A tour with special lyrics, rhythms and beats from México all the way down to
Argentina! As always… I (really) hope you like it.
Somehow we depart from México and we get “on a cruise with destination to the Caribbean, but this cruise is not a normal one… it’s full of only women; a hallucination! ...maybe this is a mistake or maybe we just got lucky?” (Maná – Perdido en un Barco)
In Guatemala is common to sing this Mexican neighbours’ songs when alcohol bottles are almost emptied; when the party is ending (or just about to start, you never know). A classic:
“…I want other lips to kiss you, for you to compare me today and forever.
If you find a love that understands you, a love that loves you more than anyone else; then I will turn around and I will go with the sun when the afternoon dies. I will turn around and go with the sun when the afternoon dies!” (Luis Miguel – La Media Vuelta)
From México to Guatemala (…look at this pretty flag!). I know you might think that only bullets fly around in my country, but that is wrong. Somehow, love is also in the air. Perhaps this explains “your writer’s” occasional romantic moments!
I give you one of our most famous singers. Famous in Spanish speaking countries for his very poetic lyrics:
“That is why I like you just the way you are, even with those couple of extra pounds… Nude. That there won’t be a design that suits you best than that of your skin tight on to your figure…” (Ricardo Arjona – Desnuda)
And… there are some situations in which we wait for a 'yes' or a 'no'. But which one is ‘better’ in the end? …one of my favourites:
“If you say yes, think twice; it might be convenient for you to say no.
If you say no, you might be making a mistake; I will give myself the task to convince you to say yes.
If you say yes I will stop dreaming and I will turn into an idiot; you’d better say no and give me that yes drop by drop.
…say no, thinking about a yes and leave the rest up to me. Because if it comes easy, love becomes fragile and one stops dreaming.
…say no, and leave the door open.” (Ricardo Arjona – Desnuda)
Did someone say “revolution”? Counter-revolution? Of course yes! “Claro que sí chico”!!
From Guatemala we swim a bit east to visit our aquatic "Cubano" neighbours:
“Over there where the sun heats up I forgot my heart, a stream and a palm grove. I left my beloved homeland more than a year ago; as much as I set my mind to it, my wound won't not heal…
I will tear my heart out and wait for my return, to take it back out again and place it in my chest.” (Orishas – 537 C.U.B.A.)
And “I was born an Orishas! …Eeh! …en el underground!” (Nací – Orishas) A very nice song!
Speaking of nice songs, here you go -one you have probably heard already- a relatively new song and one that I personally really like. A Good dancing song!
We set ears on Jamaica, but no Bob Marley, this time we go for Gyptian.
We have reached República Dominicana! It has been 13 years ago since my first and last visit to this country. I was pretty young, but oh I do remember: Merengue and salsa playing, people dancing. Simply great!
And who to make you dance other than the master of masters? Juan Luis Guerra…
Of course, in Latin America there is no need for “happy topics” to make you stand up and move!
What most people would think: "…a hospital song can make you dance? Are you joking! How is this possible!?"
“Do not tell me that the doctors are gone! Do not tell me that you don’t have anesthesia! Do not tell me that you drank the alcohol! And that the sewing thread was embroidered on a tablecloth! Do not tell me that the tweezers got lost! That the stethoscope is partying! That the x-rays broke down! And that the serum was already used, for sweetening the coffee..” (Juan Luis Guerra – El Niágara en Bicicleta)
And if you were wondering where the salsa went… do not worry because Chichi Peralta (I know.. kind of a curious name!) brings you some:
So if by now you are not out of your seat and moving yet after having visit the Caribbean, Calle 13 tells you:
“CHANGE THAT SERIOUS FACE, THAT INTELLECTUAL FACE; LIKE AN ENCYCLOPEDIA! …dare to come out of the closet! Uncover yourself! Take of the varnish! Stop hiding yourself just get up and get hyper!” (Calle 13 – Atrévete)
Most of the ‘reggaeton’ music comes from “PueLto Lico” (I say Puerto Rico with an “L” because this is how they pronounce the “R’s” in this country! It sounds very 'hilarious'!). I am personally not a big fan of this music genre, but I have to confess that they sometimes do manage to come up some with pretty nice beats. In my opinion, this being one of them:
We left our last island and, Ladies and gentleman, we have reached Colombia! And the Colombíííano’ have some very good music too!
An artist that also brings childhood flashbacks: The great Carlos Vives sings for the wonderful and beautiful Mayte: “Just look at her! Look at how pretty she is!” (Carlos Vives – Pa’ Mayte).
Apart from Mayte, Vives also sings for Alicia… Alicia who died (this can also happen) and so he starts singing: “Because God on Earth has no friends. Because he has no friends, he’s up there in the air!” (Carlos Vives – Alicia Dorada)
Wait a moment, this playlist is kind of long already, BUT: Where are the girls?!
Shakira is here to save the day! Because yes, we are missing “woman power” in this world and in this playlist as well.
According to Carlos Vives God is up in the air. Now, according to Shakira:
“God came back, found everything like an infernal mess and became another one of the unemployed… poor God that does not appear in magazines, is not a model, not artist, not royalty…
…meanwhile this world spins round and round without us being able to stop it. And down here a few control us as if we were chess pieces.
I am not that kind of an idiot who lets herself be convinced!
…but, I am telling the truth and even a blind man can see that!”
(Shakira – Octavo Día)
I simply love this song.
Shakira… I have to add another one of her old songs. With this voice and her old very clever lyrics she had absolutely no necessity of coloring her hair blond and howling like a wolf.
“I give you my waist; and my lips for when you feel like kissing. I give you my madness; and the few neurons that are still left. My faded shoes. The diary in which I write. I give you my sighs… but do not leave anymore.
Because it is you, my sun. The faith with which I live, the power of my voice, the feet with which I walk.
It is you, love, my desire to laugh. The goodbye I will never be able to say, because I will never be able to live… without you.”
(Shakira - Tú)
Maybe you thought Brazil was going to be skipped because of the Portuguese language BUT no, no, no, no, no. This was “your writer’s” first international destination ever! Years ago, when I was still baking in the oven and almost about to come out to this world, my parents happened to be in this colorful country.
So, in case you got sad with Shakira’s songs, no need to worry, because the ‘Samba’ of any Brazilian has the ability to get you alive and kicking again!
Our long musical and lyrics journey is almost over. It is time to lower the decibels now and arrive to Argentina.
Argentina holds the most symbolic of musicians for “your writer”. Unfortunately the band’s lead singer, Gustavo Cerati, has been in a coma for almost 4 years now; but after three decades of having been conceived, Soda Stereo keeps melting many ears.
No beatles, no Rolling Stones, no Madonna… no lady Gaga, no nothing! …for me the band who I admire and whose music equals inspiration; the band who changed the course of not only Latin American music, but Iberoamerican music as well (and if the rest of the world would understand Spanish, I am sure it would have also shaken the globe) is: Soda Stereo.
An absolutely unparalleled talent to reinvent their music without losing their essence. A genius I have never witnessed in any other musician up to now. And so, it was difficult to choose out of their many songs, but here you go…
A song for when the world breaks your heart:
“I will walk amongst the stones until I feel the tremor in my legs. Sometimes I have fear (I know). Sometimes shame.
…nobody saw me leave (I know). Nobody is waiting for me.
There is a crack in my heart; a planet with disappointment.
Wake me up when the tremor is over.” (Soda Stereo - Cuando Pase el Temblor)
Another one for when your heart discloses your feelings; "betraying" you (…a song which I personally really love):
“…oh mi corazón se vuelve delator. Traicionandome.” (Soda Stereo - Corazón Delator)
And two songs for saying goodbye…
It would be great to see one day, in the near future, a unified Latin America. What a big party that would be… wonderful countries!
Ok dear readers, I guess this is it for today (I think this has been the longest post in all of Follow mE’s ‘history’!). I hope you enjoyed (at least part) of it and hopefully you learned some Spanish as well!
Cerati could not have said it any better in our musical tour's last song: “GRACIAS TOTALES!” Thank you for reading (and/or hearing) today! Thanks for visiting the blog.
Hasta la próxima my dear readers.
Your writer,
P.S.: I will be dissapearing for a while and probably write until 2 or 3 weeks from now, because I have a lot of exams studying to do during the upcoming weeks. Happy (eliminated holidays) brainwashing time :D 'till then!
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