On top of all
those things to do, this week I had one of those nights when you cannot stick
your eyes together, because you start to ‘react’ to things that will soon come
up (also known as “being a ‘little bit’ anxious”). In my case I started ‘reacting’
to the whole India situation; so one of these past nights, I found myself
thinking at 2:00am: “What’s wrong with me? …In 2 months I’m going to India!
[Yes. It is not
the first time that this happens though. The first and last time this happened,
as far as I can recall, was four years ago when I was about to leave home to go
to Barcelona. But, it just happens a moment; then it’s gone…]
But luckily,
today I had the chance to (rather than going all the way to… India), just crossing The Netherlands from Venlo to
Amsterdam for having a brief ‘preview’ of the big adventure that is about to
come; by meeting my future company supervisor who was here for some conferences.
I must say,
that if I was looking forward to going to India before, now this feeling has
increased. I see that a lot of learning is coming up, and I’ll have the chance
to be working on a very nice project… but, I will be maybe getting into details later
in the blog, because today this post is really meant for something else:
Today is one of my last days in Venlo (I’m coming back in a year of
course). But I’ve been remembering the first weeks I set foot here; and if you
want me to be honest, what immediately came to my mind when I first arrived here was: “What have I done?”
You know, suddenly I found myself in a: town, quiet, with way too tall people (making me feel way too short!), 97% of my days listening to “bla, bla, bla” (because I didn’t, understand anything), it was way too cold…
I swear that by then I could have named like 200 things that went ‘wrong’ with this place in a matter of seconds!
And if you want me to be even more
honest, I was all set and ready to run out of here! I applied to a university
in Madrid, got accepted to Marketing as well.
But in the end: I decide to stay.
And if you ask me now: “Did I make the right choice?”
I would say: “100% yes. I would definitely do it again”!

[don’t even ask how “you can accidentally steal a bike”… (Apparently it happens!)], or living in a house where you learn everything you have to know in case the 'zombie apocalypse' happens... or ‘being a bear’ for once in my life thanks to my Dutch neighbors!
(Come on! it is far better than being a 'pink bunny' or something like that!)
Yes. I’m glad I stayed… Because the 200 things that at first I thought went
“wrong” with this place, were then outshined by the 1,000 things that ended up
going very well afterwards.
And of course nothing would’ve been ‘very well’ if it wasn’t for the
people with which I shared all the adventures (from the crazy ones, to the ‘regular’
So to both, the ones that are leaving for good and the ones that I will
be seeing again next year: I’ll miss you, good luck this/these next year(s), take
care… but of course keep having fun. (!)
As for me […and everyone else that is ready to “Follow me”!] it is time to go
to the next destination: Home, GUATEMALA.
The mission to be accomplished goes as follows:
30 hour trip
[this is unusual, normally it would be 24 hours, but this time my plane leaves early, so I’ll “sleep” at the airport (never do that by the way… it's terrible!)].
[this is unusual, normally it would be 24 hours, but this time my plane leaves early, so I’ll “sleep” at the airport (never do that by the way… it's terrible!)].
Destination no. 1 - Dusseldorf: The ones who make you think: “At what time
exactly do I start getting punched in the face?”
No offense, but from all the airports I’ve been to, Dusseldorf scores 10 (out of 10) in having one of the ‘least nice people’ I’ve ever ran into. The best-worse customer service ever! For some reason they don’t talk to you, instead, they sort of ‘bark’ at you!
No offense, but from all the airports I’ve been to, Dusseldorf scores 10 (out of 10) in having one of the ‘least nice people’ I’ve ever ran into. The best-worse customer service ever! For some reason they don’t talk to you, instead, they sort of ‘bark’ at you!
Destination no. 2 – London: The ones with which I need another set of ears…
Generally, I have to accept that I have quite a hard time understanding the British accent.
Destination no. 3 – Miami: The paranoid ones.
Because once you land in US territory, even if it’s in ‘sunny Miami’, you get to have your 15 seconds of being a stripper. Shoes off, socks off, shirt off, pants off, arm off, everything goes off!
Final Destination no. 4 – Guatemala: The (¿?) ones.
What’s there to say… à “WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!”
Ok readers, it is time for me to sleep, because it is pretty late
already. I’ve got “panda” eyes (like some might say) and a retake tomorrow
(which actually doesn’t look so promising).
I will be writing again after having crossed ‘the pond’.
Good luck to all of those who still have to do retakes, as well as those who have to correct them! :')
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